Our Puppies
If photos of cute Miniature Longhaired Dachshunds bore you, this might not be the page for you (LOL). Our policy is to present a complete, honest "story" for every puppy. If you are serious about a pet companion puppy, please take the time to read How to Purchase a Seven Oaks Puppy on our Purchase Info page. Information regarding price range, our waiting list and what to do if you want to be considered as a prospective owner can be found there.
We are serious about matching puppies with the right families! We typically do not sell to BREEDERS who do not show their progeny and embrace our high standards and philosophy for producing the next generation of quality Dachshunds. We strive to produce QUALITY, not quantity!
We are serious about matching puppies with the right families! We typically do not sell to BREEDERS who do not show their progeny and embrace our high standards and philosophy for producing the next generation of quality Dachshunds. We strive to produce QUALITY, not quantity!
About our Puppies . . .
At Seven Oaks, our goal is to produce quality AKC puppies suitable as loving companions and worthy of competition. We strive to combine sires and dams from long-standing, champion-producing lines with impeccable conformation, outgoing/loving temperaments and beauty to boot. We selectively raise a few litters in our home with the desire to improve one generation upon the next and produce healthy puppies that epitomize the Dachshund standard. All creams produced from our breedings are true English creams with lineage traceable back to their UK ancestry.
Our puppies receive health checks and vaccinations (per the protocol for Mississippi) by a licensed veterinarian at 6, 9, 12 and 15 weeks. We provide a written purchase agreement and health guarantee for your review prior to accepting any deposit from you. We are happy to provide references from our PAST PUPPY parents.
Our puppies receive health checks and vaccinations (per the protocol for Mississippi) by a licensed veterinarian at 6, 9, 12 and 15 weeks. We provide a written purchase agreement and health guarantee for your review prior to accepting any deposit from you. We are happy to provide references from our PAST PUPPY parents.
Striker x Lucy Litter of FIVE GIRLS arrived 4/7/2022
SIRE: CH Dredachs Calm Before the Storm
DAM: CH Seven Oaks Lovin' Lucy by Stoneriver MLC
Puppy availability will be updated once evaluations are complete! This is really an OUTSTANDING litter!!!.
DAM: CH Seven Oaks Lovin' Lucy by Stoneriver MLC
Puppy availability will be updated once evaluations are complete! This is really an OUTSTANDING litter!!!.